Niger Seed Chutney Powder : Good Source of protien for energy. Good for body growth and red cell production. Good for osteoporosis and Rheumatism. Helps in formation of Helathy Bones and Teeth. Prevents the formation of fat in the liver. Protects against cancer. Good for healthy skin and hair. Good for heart and diabetes Shiggavi Chutney Powder : peanuts are and excellent source of plant-based protien, offering 25.8 g per 100g of peanuts, or around half of a person’s daily protein needs. fatty acids are an essential part of every diet. Most of the fats in peanuts are monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids, whoch are a healthful type of fat. Peanuts are a good source of dietary Fiber. They contain 8.5 g per 100g, peanuts are and excellent food for people with diabetes or a risk of diabetes. Flax Seed chutney powder : Rich source of Omega-3 Fatty acid ala gives heart health benefits and lower risk of strik. Rich sources of LIGNANS, which having powerful antixidient, estrogen properties it helps to prevent cancer. Good source of fiber emproves degest health and lower cholestrol. good source of plant based protien which can be replace who did not eat non-veg. content of insoluble fiber good for diet. |
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